Care Control Windows Crashing – FAQ’s – Care Control Learning Hub

Care Control Windows Crashing - FAQ's

Sometimes Care Control Windows can experience difficulties when loading or running areas with lots of data.

This can be due to internet issues (Internet Connectivity Guide ( or due to the hardware and software specifications of the PC / Laptop being used.

  • Older devices often contain less powerful components. This can result in longer waiting times when navigating Care Control. We recommend a device with at least 4GB of RAM.
  • Older devices can therefore struggle to run multiple applications at the same time. If you experience issues, try running Care Control without anything else open.
  • A common problem we see is internet browsers with excessive tabs open at once – this contributes significantly to slowing down a device.
  • In terms of storage, Care Control doesn’t require much free space to run. However, when hard drives are near capacity, devices tend to run slower as a result. Try clearing up some space if possible.
  • Finally, some Antivirus software can impact Care Control’s ability to run smoothly. Make sure the necessary exceptions are added in the Antivirus settings for Care Control.

If your Care Control Windows continues to have issues after trying all of the above, please contact Care Control Support so that we can investigate the issue and offer advice where necessary.

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