Cream Recording – Care Control Learning Hub

Cream Recording

This guide will cover how to record cream administration on Care Control Cloud. Bulk recording for multiple service users can be completed at once.


In the Care Planning application of Care Control Cloud, select Record Care Plan Information.


A list of common recording options will be displayed. Here, select Creams.


You will be presented with a list of creams assigned to different service users.

First, select the creams administered via the checkbox. Then, add a Cream Application Comment from the drop-down list and finally, press Save Changes.

You can also change the date and time of the cream recording from the drop-down list in the top left corner of the screen. 

Note –  if recording more than one cream at a time, the Cream Application Comment will be the same for all selected. Therefore, if one cream needs a different comment, it must be recorded separately.


Pressing the ‘View Info’ button in each row of the cream list will open a small window containing more information about the cream selected, including specific application recommendations and a body map.

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