Creating Custom Tasks – Care Control Learning Hub

Creating Custom Tasks

This guide will cover how to set up custom tasks on Care Control Windows. This feature allows tasks to be set up for anything not already covered within Care Control.


In the Administration of Care Control Windows, navigate to Custom Tasks, which can be found under the Communication tab.


A new window will open. Here you can view tasks grouped into 3 tabs – tasks you can complete now, tasks which are allocated to you, and tasks which you can modify.

To create a new one, press Create New Task in the bottom right-hand corner of the window.


A blank form will open. Here you can enter the details of your new task.


In this example, we are creating a Maintenance type task, with a low priority. We have also entered some details about the task and a target date and shift.

After completing this page, we can move to the next tab, Allocation.


This tab is where we can set who the task is assigned to. In this example, we filter By Staff Role and select Maintenance staff by selecting the role and pressing Add.

You can also allocate by staff member, category and by the service user.


The next tab deals with the Recurrence of this task. Here, you can set a frequency for this task to repeat. In this example however, the task is a one-off.


The Response tab can be configured so that a written statement is required after completion of the task. In this example, we will leave this as not required.


Finally, there are some Further Options we can configure.

The first is whether the task expires after the target date passes. The second is whether the task can be completed early, before the target date. The third is whether the task can be postponed, and by how many days, and finally, the fourth is whether only staff with administrative access can amend the task.

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