Food Intake Recording – Care Control Learning Hub

Food Intake Recording

This guide will cover how to record Food Intake monitoring on Care Control Cloud. This tool allows you to track a service users meals throughout the day, and gives scores based on the type of meal and quantity consumed. 


In the Care Planning application on Care Control Cloud, select Record Care Plan Information.


A list of common recording options will be displayed. Here, select Food Intake.


A list of your service users will be presented, along with a chart of the meals each day. As the day progresses, this chart will populate with scores based upon the type of meal and amount consumed. 

In this example, we are going to record the Mid Afternoon meal for the first service user. Press the ‘+‘ icon.


The food intake record will open. First, use the slider to determine how much of the offered meal was eaten. You can also do this by selecting an option from the Meal Result list.

Confirm that the Service User and Meal Type are correct before entering a Meal Description. Then, press Save Changes.

After pressing save, a small message confirming the food intake record will pop up. You can then select a new service user, meal type etc. and create another record if you desire. If not, simply press ‘Back‘ from the options at the top of the page. This will take you back to the previous service user status screen.


You can now see that the Mid Afternoon meal has updated and the red cross has been replaced with a score.

You can view a service users daily meal history by clicking the eye icon.


A summary of the meals will be displayed in a pop up window. 

If an incorrect meal has been recorded, you can select it here and press Delete.

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