Payroll Periods – Care Control Learning Hub

Payroll Periods

This guide will cover how to set-up the payroll calendar for your payroll system. This applies to those using both the ‘basic’ and ‘advanced’ options for their system.


In the Administration of Care Control Windows, navigate to the View Payroll Calendar tool, which can be found under the Time & Attendance tab.


A new window will open. Here, a series of payroll periods (~months) will be displayed. If you are using payroll for the first time, this list will be blank.

Press Add Calendar Rows to begin.


Next, enter the number of rows you want to add. Each row will correspond to a payroll period (i.e a month). You can add between 1 and 12 at once.

Press OK.


Your new rows will be added. If you already have lots of entries in the list, you may need to scroll to the bottom to find the new ones.

Begin by selecting the year and number for this period. Then, add a description.

Tax Year – the year in which this payroll period falls.

Tax Number – the period number within the tax year. For example, if the tax year starts in April, the month of April would be 1, May would be 2 etc.

Description – an identifier for the period – can be anything you choose.

Start / End Dates – the beginning and end dates for the payroll period.

Timesheet End Date – the last date in the period for which shifts are added to the current payroll period. Anything after would be associated with the next payroll period.

Payment Date – the date, usually the end of the period, on which your staff will be paid.


Set out the start & end dates, as well as the timesheet end date and payment date.

The row will save automatically after completing it.

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