Permissions on Cloud – Care Control Learning Hub

Permissions on Cloud

This guide will cover how to access and amend department, position and user permissions on Care Control Cloud. 


Within Care Control Cloud, navigate to the settings cog, which an be found along the top of the page.


Here, permissions are split into 4 sections:

Permission Roles, Department, Position and User Permissions.

You can edit existing Permission Roles by pressing the pencil icon. You can also add a new one by pressing Create Permission Role.


Begin by entering a Name for your new permission role.

Then, work through the permission areas below, which can be set as Read Only or Edit. Each section can be opened to reveal further options.


Continue to work through the sections. Ticking the Read Only or Edit boxes will grant that level of access for this role. Some of the sub-sections can be opened to reveal even more options.


After completing the permissions, press Save.


The next tab, Department Positions, is where permission roles can be assigned based on a staff members department (category).

Again, you can edit an existing on via the pencil icon, or, you can create a new one by pressing Add Department Permissions


A blank form will be displayed. Begin by selecting a Department from the drop-down list, then, select a site(s) that you wish this permissions to be active for.

Finally, select a Permissions Role that you wish to associate with the chosen department.


After completing the form, press Save Changes.


The next tab, Position Permissions, works in the same way as Department Permissions. This means that you can assign permission roles to specific staff positions (roles).

Press Add Position Permissions to create a new one.


Again, select the Position and Site(s) you wish to assign this permission role to.

Then, select a Permission Role to associate with the position.

After completing the form, press Save Changes.


Finally, the last tab, User Permissions, allows you to assign permission roles to specific staff members.

You can view and edit an existing staff members permissions via the Eye Icon, or, you can Add User Permissions to assign a new one.


Begin by selecting a Staff Member from the drop-down list. Then, choose the Site(s) you wish these roles to be assigned to.

Finally, select a Permission Role to associate with the staff member.


Press Save Changes after completing the form.

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