Alerts & Notifications – Care Control Learning Hub

Alerts & Notifications

This guide will cover how to access and amend alerts on Care Control Cloud. This feature allows staff to be notified when monitoring is missed, incidents are recorded and more.


From the Admin application in Care Control Cloud, navigate to the ‘Care Planning‘ area.


Select ‘Alerts & Notifications‘ from the ‘Monitoring & Alerts‘ drop-down list.


A list of existing alerts on your system will be displayed.

Press ‘Create Alert‘ to add a new one.


Begin by selecting the type of alert you want by choosing a ‘Category‘, ‘Sub-Category‘ and ‘Alert Detail‘.


Then, complete the ‘Alert Parameters‘. This includes who the alert will be applied to (all service users, certain CSGs etc.) as well as the specifics of the alert detail (amount of fluid, type of incident etc.).


Finally, complete the form by choosing who will be alerted.

Select a ‘Message Group‘ as well as how many staff members will be required to sign off the alert. You can also choose whether the alert will be displayed on the home status. Finally, enter a time for the alert to run and press ‘Save‘.


Your new alert will appear in the list. 

You can edit the alert by pressing the ‘pencil icon‘ and you can view the details of the alert by pressing the ‘information icon‘.

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