Holiday Year Issues – Care Control Learning Hub

Holiday Year Issues

This guide will cover how to access and action Holiday Year Issues. These are triggered when a staff members holiday year ends.


In the Administration of Care Control Windows, navigate to the Holiday Year Issues tool, which can be found under the Time & Attendance area. 

As you can see, we have 26 issues to deal with.


A new window will open.

Here, a list of staff members whose holiday year has ended will be displayed. The dates for their year as well as any remaining holiday hours can be seen.

In this example, one staff members has a total allocation of 149 hours and has used 0 hours. This means that they have 149 hours remaining.

We need to decide what to do with them.


You can set a bulk limit for carried over hours at the top of the window.

This is the number of hours carried to their next holiday year. Enter a number and press Set. All staff members in the list will have this limit applied. 


You can also set the carry over amount on an individual basis. Simply enter a number in the box for each staff member.

When you are happy, press Process Marked Entries.


Confirm the change by pressing Yes.

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