Petty Cash on Cloud – Care Control Learning Hub

Petty Cash on Cloud

This guide will cover how to access, amend and record Petty Cash information within Care Control Cloud. This includes creating categories, recording expenditure and deposits.


In the Admin application within Care Control Cloud, navigate to the Communication section.


Here, select Petty Cash from the options at the top of the page.


Your sites Petty Cash overview will open. The Current Balance will be displayed at the top.

We will begin by creating some categories for spending and depositing. Press Category Settings.


A small settings box will appear. Here, a list of the categories within your site will be displayed. To create a new one, scroll to the bottom of the list and press Add Category.


First, enter the name for the new category, then, select a type.



In this example, we are creating a new spending category called ‘Food Shop‘. 

After adding the new category or categories, press Save Changes.


We will now record a Petty Cash Deposit. This is any cash being added to the Petty Cash Balance.

Press Add Deposit.


A blank form will open.

Begin by selecting the Staff Member who has made this deposit.

Then, choose a date, the amount, a category for the deposit and a description for the deposit.


After completing the form with the necessary information, press Save Changes.


Our new cash deposit will be added to the Current Balance. It will also appear in the list of changes below.

We can view and edit the recent entry by pressing the eye icon next to the item.


The entry will open. Press Edit Record to make any changes.


We will now record a Petty Cash Spend. 

Press Add Spend to begin.


Select the staff member who made the spend, the date, the amount, choose a category and enter a description.

Finally, choose whether there is a receipt for this spend.


If there is a receipt for the spend, select yes and upload a photo of it as evidence.

After completing the form, and attaching any relevant photos, press Save Changes.


Your Current Balance will be reduced by the recorded amount and your spend record will display in the list below.

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