Recruitment – Introduction – Care Control Learning Hub

Recruitment - Introduction

This guide will introduce the Recruitment tool available on Care Control Windows. This area of the system allows for organisations to manage job openings, applications and communications between the employer and applicant.

The Recruitment tool was designed so that Care Providers could record and track their employment work flow. The tool is broken down into different stages of the employment process – from job openings through to final interviews and appointments.

This tool also provides an ability to communicate with applicants, which allows both employers and aspiring candidates to stay up-to-date.

The set-up can be completed within the Administration of Care Control Windows, however, there is some functionality for the Recruitment tool on Care Control Pocket.


The Recruitment tool can be found under the Staff Area tab within the Administration of Care Control Windows.

Selecting it will open a new window.


The Recruitment window contains 3 areas of options.

In the top right corner you can find the Settings, as well as a button to Refresh the page.

Along the top of the window are tabs for jobs, applications, messages, interviews and appointments.

The bottom of the window has options dedicated to each tab.

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