Setting up Care Control Academy – Care Control Learning Hub

Setting up Care Control Academy

This guide will cover how to set up the Care Control Academy application for your staff members. This app contains training modules for your staff to learn Care Control.


In the Administration of Care Control Systems, navigate to the CC Academy tool, which can be found under the Staff Area tab.


Here, a summary of your staff members assigned can be seen. If you are setting up for the first time, press Generate New Learning Code. This code can be given to staff members for them to register the CC Academy application.

Press the Email Staff Set Up button to release set up guides to your staff members.


Under the CCQ Assignment tab is a list of the courses available.

Press Amend to assign one to a staff member.


You can assign based on Category, Role or by Member.

In this example, we will assign this course to all Care staff. Select it and press Add to move it to the right hand list.

Then, press Save Assignment.


The Staff Status Detail tab displays a full breakdown of a staff members progress on a course. This includes their percentage completion as well as when they last accessed it.

Select one and press View Activity to view further information.

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