Staff File Integrity Checks – Care Control Learning Hub

Staff File Integrity Checks

This guide will cover how to access and view the Staff File Integrity Checks on Care Control Windows. This tool is used to monitor and audit your staff member records.


In the Administration of Care Control Windows, navigate to the Staff File Integrity Checks tool, which can be found under the Staff Area tab.


Here, a list of issues with staff files will be listed, alongside a description of the issue and what is needed to resolve it.

You can filter the checks using the options at the top of the window. This includes filtering by staff member, urgency of the issue as well as the area of the file affected. Press Update Results after applying any filters.

You can also Export and Print the report via the dedicated buttons at the bottom of the window.


There are some settings which control what is checked for in this report.

In the Administration of Care Control Windows, navigate to the System Settings, which can be found under the Advanced Stuff tab.


Select Integrity Check Rules from the menu on the left hand side.

The second half of this options page is dedicated to Staff File Integrity Checks

There are 4 checks which can be toggled On or Off

Make sure to Save Changes after making any amendments.

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